JDK 25 Early-Access Release Notes

This is a draft of the release notes that will accompany JDK 25. The contents are subject to change until release.

Build 13

Japanese Imperial Calendar Exception Change for Era too Large (JDK-8350646)


Calling Calendar.computeTime() with a Japanese Imperial Calendar for a Calendar.ERA field value that is too large now throws IllegalArgumentException instead of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Thus, any operations requiring time recomputation for a Japanese Imperial Calendar are now affected. For example, at the time of this release note, new Calendar.Builder().setCalendarType("japanese").set(Calendar.ERA, 6).build() now throws IllegalArgumentException.

Build 12

java.io.File treats the empty pathname as the current user directory (JDK-8024695)


The java.io.File class is changed so that an instance of File created from the empty abstract pathname ("") now behaves consistently like a File created from the current user directory. Long standing behavior was for some methods to fail for the empty pathname. The change means that the canRead, exists and isDirectory methods return true instead of failing with false, and the getFreeSpace, lastModified and length methods return the expected values instead of zero. Methods such as setReadable and setLastModified will attempt to change the file's attributes instead of failing. WIth this change, java.io.File now matches the behavior of the java.nio.file API.

Changes to the Default Time Zone Detection on Debian-based Linux (JDK-8345213)


On Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, the /etc/timezone file was previously used to determine the JDK's default time zone (TimeZone.getDefault()). According to Debian's Wiki, /etc/localtime is now the primary source for the system's default time zone, making /etc/timezone redundant. As a result, the JDK's default time zone detection logic has been updated to use /etc/localtime instead of /etc/timezone. If /etc/localtime and /etc/timezone are inconsistent for any reason, the JDK's default time zone is now determined solely based on /etc/localtime file.

Build 11

Added API Note on Validating Signers to the getCertificates and getCodeSigners Methods of JarEntry and JarURLConnection (JDK-8347946)


An API note has been added to the getCertificates() method of the java.util.jar.JarEntry and java.net.JarURLConnection classes and the getCodeSigners() method of the JarEntry class recommending that the caller should perform further validation steps on the code signers that signed the JAR file, such as validating the code signer's certificate chain, and determining if the signer should be trusted.

In addition, the JarURLConnection.getCertificates() method has been updated to specify the order of the returned array of certificates. It is the same order as specified by java.util.jar.JarEntry.getCertificates().

Build 8

Distrust TLS Server Certificates Anchored by Camerfirma Root Certificates and Issued After April 15, 2025 (JDK-8346587)


The JDK will stop trusting TLS server certificates issued after April 15, 2025 and anchored by Camerfirma root certificates, in line with similar plans announced by Google, Mozilla, Apple, and Microsoft.

TLS server certificates issued on or before April 15, 2025 will continue to be trusted until they expire. Certificates issued after that date, and anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below, will be rejected.

The restrictions are enforced in the JDK implementation (the SunJSSE Provider) of the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API. A TLS session will not be negotiated if the server's certificate chain is anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below and the certificate has been issued after April 15, 2025.

An application will receive an exception with a message indicating the trust anchor is not trusted, for example:

"TLS Server certificate issued after 2025-04-15 and anchored by a distrusted legacy Camerfirma root CA: CN=Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., SERIALNUMBER=A82743287, L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address), C=EU"

The JDK can be configured to trust these certificates again by removing "CAMERFIRMA_TLS" from the jdk.security.caDistrustPolicies security property in the java.security configuration file.

The restrictions are imposed on the following Camerfirma Root certificates included in the JDK:

Root Certificates distrusted after 2025-04-15
Distinguished Name SHA-256 Fingerprint
CN=Chambers of Commerce Root, OU=http://www.chambersign.org, O=AC Camerfirma SA CIF A82743287, C=EU


CN=Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., SERIALNUMBER=A82743287, L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address), C=EU


CN=Global Chambersign Root - 2008, O=AC Camerfirma S.A., SERIALNUMBER=A82743287, L=Madrid (see current address at www.camerfirma.com/address), C=EU


You can also use the keytool utility from the JDK to print out details of the certificate chain, as follows:

keytool -v -list -alias <your_server_alias> -keystore <your_keystore_filename>

If any of the certificates in the chain are issued by one of the root CAs in the table above are listed in the output you will need to update the certificate or contact the organization that manages the server.

Removal of old JMX System Properties (JDK-8344966, JDK-8344969, JDK-8344976, JDK-8345045, JDK-8345048, JDK-8345049)


Some very old JMX System Properties have been removed. These were compatibility aids that were intended as transitional, for later removal. New behaviour will be the same as current behaviour with the property unset. The removals are:

jmx.extend.open.types which was provided to aid compatibility, since overriding javax.management.openmbean.OpenType.getClassName() was made illegal in JDK 6.

jmx.invoke.getters introduced in JDK 6 for compatibility with code which depended on previous incorrect behaviour, calling invoke on getters and setters.

jdk.jmx.mbeans.allowNonPublic which was introduced in JDK 8 for compatibility with previous incorrect behaviour where it was not enforced that MBean and MXBean interfaces must be public.

jmx.mxbean.multiname which was introduced in JDK 7 for compatibility with code which may have depended on previous incorrect behaviour relating to multiple registrations of an MXBean object.

jmx.tabular.data.hash.map which was for compatibility with JDK 1.3 clients due to use of LinkedHashMap.

jmx.remote.x.buffer.size as a System Property and a JMX environment property. The correct name was always jmx.remote.x.notification.buffer.size and was correct from JDK 6, but the alternate name was recognised to aid compatibility.

New Methods on BodyHandlers and BodySubscribers To Limit The Number of Response Body Bytes Accepted By The HttpClient (JDK-8328919)


Two new methods java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.limiting(BodyHandler downstreamHandler, long capacity) and java.net.http.HttpResponse.BodySubsribers.limiting(BodySubscriber downstreamSubscriber, long capacity) are added to the HttpClient API. These methods extend an existing BodyHandler or BodySubscriber with the ability to limit the number of response body bytes that the application is willing to accept in response to an HTTP request. Upon reaching the limit when reading the response body, an IOException will be raised and reported to the downstream subscriber. The subscription will be cancelled, and any further response body bytes will be discarded. This makes it possible for the application to control the maximum amount of bytes that it wants to accept from the server.

Build 6

java.util.zip.Inflater and java.util.zip.Deflater Enhanced To Implement AutoCloseable (JDK-8225763)


java.util.zip.Inflater and java.util.zip.Deflater now implement AutoCloseable and can be used with the try-with-resources statement. Applications could previously invoke the end() method to release the resources held by the Inflater/Deflater instance. Now, either the end() or the close() method can be invoked to do the same.

jpackage No Longer Includes Service Bindings by Default for Generated Run-Time Images (JDK-8345185)


Starting with JDK 25, jpackage will no longer include service bindings for a run-time image that it creates. Prior to JDK 25, jpackage would include service bindings for run-time images. As a result, the generated run-time images produced by jpackage might not include the same set of modules as it did in prior versions.

The previous behavior can be achieved with jpackage of JDK 25 by adding the --bind-services jlink option to the default jlink options jpackage uses:

jpackage [...] --jlink-options 
   "--strip-native-commands --strip-debug --no-man-pages --no-header-files --bind-services"

Added TLSv1.3 and CNSA 1.0 Algorithms to Implementation Requirements (JDK-8283795)


TLSv1.3 and CNSA 1.0 algorithms have been added to the list of cryptographic requirements all Java SE implementations must support. All cryptographic algorithms that are needed to implement the TLSv1.3 cipher suites and signature mechanisms and that are defined by RFC 8446 as MUST or SHOULD requirements have been added. All algorithms that are required by CNSA 1.0 have also been added. No required algorithms or protocols are being removed at this time.

The following requirements have been added to the Security Algorithm Implementation Requirements section of the Java Security Standard Algorithm Names specification and to the class summary of each of the APIs below.

  • AlgorithmParameters

    • ChaCha20-Poly1305
    • EC with secp256r1 or secp384r1 curves
    • RSASSA-PSS with MGF1 mask generation function and SHA-256 or SHA-384 hash algorithm
  • Cipher

    • AES/GCM/NoPadding with 256 bit key size
    • ChaCha20-Poly1305
  • KeyAgreement

    • ECDH with secp256r1 or secp384r1 curves
    • X25519
  • KeyFactory

    • EC
    • X25519
  • KeyGenerator

    • AES with 256 bit key size
    • ChaCha20
  • KeyPairGenerator

    • DH with 3072 bit key size
    • EC with secp256r1 or secp384r1 curves
    • RSA with 3072 bit key size
    • RSASSA-PSS with 2048, 3072, 4096 bit key sizes
    • X25519
  • MessageDigest

    • SHA-384
  • Signature

    • RSASSA-PSS with MGF1 mask generation function and SHA-256 or SHA-384 hash algorithm
    • SHA256WithECDSA with secp256r1 curve
    • SHA384WithECDSA with secp384r1 curve
    • SHA384WithRSA
  • SSLContext

    • TLSv1.3

Build 5

The default thread pool used for asynchronous channel operations now uses innocuous threads (JDK-8345432)


The default thread pool for the system-wide default AsynchronousChannelGroup is changed to create threads that do not inherit anything from threads that initiate asynchronous I/O operations. Historically, threads in the default thread pool inherited the Thread Context ClassLoader (TCCL) and inheritable-ThreadLocals from the first thread to initiate an asynchronous I/O operation. The change in this release avoids potential memory leak and retention issues that arose when a TCCL or a thread local kept a large graph of objects reachable.

Build 3

Update XML Security for Java to 3.0.5 (JDK-8344137)


The XML Signature implementation has been updated to Santuario 3.0.5. Support for four new SHA-3 based ECDSA SignatureMethod algorithms have been added: SignatureMethod.ECDSA_SHA3_224, SignatureMethod.ECDSA_SHA3_256, SignatureMethod.ECDSA_SHA3_384, and SignatureMethod.ECDSA_SHA3_512.